
Nov 172011

Medicare recipients interested in finding rate quotes for a 2012 Advantage plan from Healthfirst New York (NY) or Health How have come to the right place — provided that they are residents where the plan is offered. NYC residents will find limited options. Here are some Medicare Part C plan options available to residents of The Big Apple (rate plan quotes courtesy of the New York State Insurance website):

Health NOW (aka Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Eastern New York):

Plan A — not offered in NYC but $156 in Mid-Hudson, Utica and Albany
Plan B — $195 rate price only in Albany, Mid-Hudson, Utica, but not NYC
Plan C — $233 premium cost in Albany Utica Hudson
Plan D — not offered from Healthfirst but options available from 2012 American Progressive Medicare Advantage
and 2012 First United American, and Mutual of Omaha
Plan F — $235 vs $250 for Excellus Health Plan or or 294 for 2012 Empire Health Choice Assurance plan quotes.
Bankers Conseco also have excellent offering at $355 for NYC Proper

Plan F is also offered by HealthFirst at a mere 99 dollar per month rate option, but keep in mind that this is high deductible coverage intended for seniors looking for a cheaper monthly option, and have savings to meet deductible and doctor bill’s until that high deductible is met.